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The Beatles

The Beatles are widely considered the bestselling musical act of all time. And they’re also one of the first globally loved bands in history, as their influential and innovative brand of rock spawned the “Beatlemania” phenomena in the 1960s. So much can be said about these four lads from Liverpool, but let’s say this: Their widely diverse catalog of music is a total blast to work out to. The soaring vocals and twangy guitars on “Twist and Shout” can help you take on those last few reps in a Strength workout with gusto. The uptempo, bluesy lyrics in “Get Back” can inspire you to push the pace. And the nurturing, soulful vibes of “Here Comes the Sun” are perfect for finding your flow. Across all these workouts, The Beatles remind you how big and beautiful life can be. And how reliably motivating their music is.
